The Word Of The Lord Concerning Zimbabwe

Thus says the Lord: What I am doing in Zimbabwe has never been seen anywhere else in the world. He says many analysts are trying to make sense of it, many of the prominent people are confounded and dumbfounded at the moment because they cannot fathom my ways. My ways are higher than your ways says the Lord. The Lord says @ this time he is raising voices, he is speaking and those who are seeking him & will listen to what the Spirit is truly saying to the churches.
Concerning the prominent voices and leaders who are silent at this time. Thus says the Lord I have dumbfounded them and they know not what is going on. Many are they that are speculating and many are they that are trying to see the future but the Lord says I have hidden it from them and will only reveal it to those who I am raising For I am raising a new generation says the Lord. I am looking for those who are seeking after me in truth and in Spirit. So many are silent at this time because I have hidden this thing from them says the Lord because it is I that doeth this and I will let no man get the glory. The glory belongs to me says the Lord, the glory belongs to me and me alone.
Once I have finished my work all will know that truly there is a Lord in heaven and he rules over the affairs of men.
( Word given to Tinashe Nyamukapa @ 3:40am on Friday 17 November 2017 )