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#SolidarityMarch What The World Can Learn From Zimbabwe
#SolidarityMarch What The World Can Learn From Zimbabwe
Since Wednesday the 15th of November Zimbabwe went into the worldwide spotlight. News channels around the world were declaring that a coup had happened in Zimbabwe. So let me give a little background for those who might not be aware of what is going on in the African country called Zimbabwe.
On Wednesday the 15th of November in the early hours of the morning the military took control of the state broadcaster. Below is the statement they issued:
Good morning Zimbabwe.
Fellow Zimbabweans, following the address we made on 13 November 2017, which we believe our main broadcaster Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation and the Herald were directed not to publicise, the situation in our country has moved to another level.
Firstly we wish to assure our nation, His Excellency the president of the republic of Zimbabwe and commander-in-chief of the Zimbabwe defence forces, comrade RG Mugabe and his family, are safe and sound and their security is guaranteed.
We are only targeting criminals around him who are committing crimes that are causing social and economic suffering in the country in order to bring them to justice.
As soon as we have accomplished our mission we expect that the situation will return to normalcy.
To the judiciary, the measures underway are intended to ensure that as an independent arm of the state you are able to exercise your independent authority without fear of being obstructed, as has been the case with this group of individuals.
To our members of parliament, your legislative role is of paramount importance, of peace and stability in this country, and it is our desire that a dispensation is created that allows you to serve your respective political constituencies according to democratic tenets.
To the generality of the people of Zimbabwe, we urge you to remain calm and limit unnecessary movement.
However, we encourage those who are employed and those with essential business in the city to continue their normal activities as usual. Our wish is that you will enjoy your rights and freedoms and that we return our country to a dispensation that allows for investment, development and prosperity that we all fought for and for which many of our citizens paid the supreme sacrifice.
To political parties, we urge you to discourage your members from engaging in violent behaviour. To the youth, we call upon you to realise that the future of this country is yours. Do not be enticed with the dirty coins of silver, be disciplined and remain committed to the efforts and values of this great nation.
To all churches and religious organisations in Zimbabwe we call upon your congregations to pray for our country and preach the gospel of love, peace and unity and development.
To both our people and the world beyond our borders, we wish to make this abundantly clear this is not a military takeover of government.
What Zimbabwe defence forces is doing is to pacify a degenerating political, social and economic situation in our country.
(Part of the Army Statement delivered on ZBC)
Ok so now I hope those who did not know about the situation are getting to have an idea of what’s going on. Anyway so fastfoward to Saturday the 18th of November we as Zimbabweans marched out in multitudes in solidarity with the army to show the international community how we support their intervention in the crisis that is in Zimbabwe. Our crisis started way back on Black Friday 14 November 1997 when the Zimbabwe dollar lost 71.5% of its value against the US Dollar. The stock market subsequently crushed, wiping away 46% from the value of shares as investors scrambled out of the Zimbabwe dollar. Debates are inconclusive on the cause of Black Friday, or should I say the position depends on who is giving the commentary but one of the main reasons was the unbudgeted expenditure on war veterans to the controversial land reform program. Anyway why have I backtracked again. I was trying to show you that our crisis did not start now. So someone will ask if our crisis did not start now why then only 20 years later are we as a people then getting to this.
Generally Zimbabweans are a peace loving people. We love peace and are always for peace. We don’t want bloodshed. This mainly driven by the fact that a huge population identifies as Christian and we have an understanding of respecting those that are in authority. However what happened is that the President took advantage of this and started dismantling our freedoms little bit by little bit, and then drastically when MDC ( an opposition party was formed and started gaining traction ) and then with the entrance of the wife in politics this went on a whole other level of absurd proportions even to the extent of encroaching on to his own henchman’s freedoms.
Pride always comes before a fall. President Mugabe started a personality cult with his one center of power rhetoric. In biblical terms we say he made himself an idol to be worshipped by the people. But we know that God abhors idolatry as it is him that should be worshipped. He is a jealous God who will not tolerate people worshipping other Gods. Now for non-Christians they may not agree with this part but hang on for a bit, I am about to hit home.
Like Belshazzar a descendant of Nebuchadnezzar in the bible who grew so prideful that he took vessels that had been looted from the temple in Israel President Mugabe started feasting with sacred things. He started trying to privatize the nation and he was now trying to give the Presidency to his wife Grace Mugabe. Now everyone will let you know that Grace was the major reason for the downfall of Mugabe. In his pride he thought that he could sexually transmit leadership. Grace also had no restraint and started insulting people older than her and people who had fought the liberation war and had served with her husband. Just as with Belshazzar a writing appeared on the wall of Zimbabwe. A lot of people spoke and said Grace was to be the downfall of Mugabe and that she was no different from the Jezebel in the bible. The writing on the wall was clear and that’s why they started doing purges within their own party as they wanted to get rid of anyone they saw to be a threat to their ambitions.
The bible says it is God who raises and removes leaders, that he changes the times and the seasons and he rules in the affairs of men. What the world can learn from Zimbabwe is that it is a God fearing nation and as such God is working and he is going to show the world that he rules in the affairs of men. I listened to a CNN interview of Fadzai Mahere and she asked her why this coup is so polite. That actually cracked me up. Firstly lets get it straight that this is not a coup ( L.O.L the military says its not a coup anyway ), but this is an intervention where President Mugabe is just being informed that his time is up as those surrounding him had puffed him up to think he is the center of power and that only his family could take the reins after him.
The March was a success. There was no violence, there was no looting. And the international community is baffled, i think the international community was expecting us to be violent hence that CNN reporter asked such a question. Zimbabweans are a peace loving people because we are a God fearing nation!