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Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us ( Ephesians 3:20 )
I have personally been going through a season when a lot of things I want to happen are not going my way and it has been a tough season. Questions arise: Can this dream truly come to pass. In the midst of all the doubts, the fears, the insecurities I found myself writing this:
Of this one thing i am confident and sure, in this one thing i find peace and rest:MY GOD IS ABLE! #DareToBelieve
Life is never a walk in the park, and just because you believe in God and pray there is an intense warfare against your wellbeing and progress. But God! But God is Able. The scripture lets us know that he is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think. This blows my mind because I have audacious, big dreams that sometimes scare me because I never dream small. So this is what blows my mind: God is able to do above and beyond what I can comprehend.
So my part now is to just Dare To Believe that what God has said, he can deliver. This is where most of us miss it. We do not believe. But we have to believe for whosoever cometh to God must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of those that diligently seek him.
Life will never be easy. That I can guarantee you. Things will not always go your way. That I can also guarantee you. Hardships, sickness, turmoil and all kinds of adversities will try to rock your faith. All you have to know is that God Is Able!
Are you sick today? Believe God is able to heal and stand so strongly upon that truth until the facts align with the truth. Yes you might be feeling pain in your body, it can be tough, it might seem like you won’t make it BUT God is Able and he has the final word.
Are you financially challenged? Money not coming through. School fees are not coming together and you are so stressed. Is your business on the verge of collapse and you have lost all hope. Take a moment to reconsider: GOD IS ABLE
Whatever your circumstance, whatever your predicament, whatever your ailment God is able to deal with it. Is there anything too hard for this omnipotent God? NO!!!!!!!!!!!!